Journals with Specific Scopes in Applied Economics

Research in the area of Economics can be taken up in various ways, as this domain has been diversified into several areas in accordance with emergence of other academic disciplines and growing number of issues being faced by the world of business. Applied Economics has broadened its scope in the areas like feminism, ecology, energy, transaction cost, competition etc. Based on these diverse scopes, several superior quality journals have also come up, which are published by several reputed publication houses and academic institutions. Following are some of the examples of these journals:

  • Energy Economics: This journal is published by Elsevier. Scope of this particular journal takes in different areas of energy economics, namely energy pricing, strategic formulations for energy efficiency, energy buildings, renewable energy policies, economic growth pattern and energy consumption, demand and supply analysis for electricity, evaluation of upcoming technologies in energy production and distribution etc.
  • Ecological Economics: This journal is published by Elsevier. Scope of this particular journal takes in different areas of environmental economics, namely analyzing pool of natural resources, climatic shift, carbon footprint, emission trading, effects of economic growth and trade policies on environment, deforestation, ambient air and water pollution etc.
  • Journal of Development Economics: This journal is published by Elsevier. Scope of this particular journal takes in different areas of development economics, namely environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability, analysis of developmental policies, urbanization, social infrastructure etc.
  • Feminist Economics: This journal is published by International Association for Feminist Economics. Scope of this particular journal takes in different overlapping areas of feminism and economics, namely women participation in labor force, women education, entrepreneurial development of women, perception and prospects of women in patriarchal society etc.

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